All Saints Rummage Sale
Saturday, October 22, 9:00am-3:00pm
All Saints Parish Parking Lot
- We will sort items throughout the week and have a final sorting on Thursday, October 20.
- We need 10 volunteers to help setup on Saturday, October 22, from 7-9am.
- We need volunteers throughout the day on Saturday during the sale; two-hour shifts. At any given time we will need two cashiers, a greeter, and two ‘floaters’ helping restock tables and assist guests.
- We will need 10 volunteers to help cleanup at 3:00pm.
- Please sign up for multiple shifts if you are able.
Please sign up here to volunteer:
The yard sale is a great opportunity to reduce, reuse, recycle, raise funds for the church, and connect with the community. If you have items to donate, we will begin accepting donations on Sunday, October 16 and during the week October 17-20 from 10am-2pm. Contact Don Pendleton at to coordinate other times during the week.
We do NOT accept the following items: Furniture • Large Appliances • Mattresses • Exercise Equipment • Carpeting • TV’s • Computer Monitors • Car Parts • Tires • Car Seats • Cribs • Flammable Liquids. We also cannot accept large items that would require multiple people to carry.
We will gladly receive any of the following: All clothing in all sizes (Children, Women and Men’s), Clothing Accessories, Kitchen / Housewares / Glassware, Small appliances, Shoes (all kinds), Sporting Goods, Tools (all kinds), Electronics, Toys, DVDs / Blu-rays, Lamps, Bikes / Toys / Baby Items, Jewelry and Cosmetics, All Bedding / Curtains / Home Décor.
Please sign up here to help:
Thank you!!
Father Justin & Don Pendleton