All services are in person, all month, every month.

Services in the Sanctuary can viewed by livestream at

Sermons: Sermons can be found, permanently archived, at
Facebook Page:
Facebook Group:

*services below with an asterisk can be viewed by livestream at 

Schedule of Weekly Offerings with Access Info:

  • SUNDAYS, 8:00am PST – Rite I (spoken, no music)*
  • SUNDAYS, 10:15am PST – Rite II (with music)*
  • TUESDAYS, 12:30-1:45pm PST, Centering Prayer (in person)
  • WEDNESDAYS, 10:45-11:45am PST, Bible Study (in person)
  • WEDNESDAYS, 12:00pm PST, Celtic Noonday Prayer*
  • FRIDAYS, 11:30-12:30pm PST, Centering Prayer (Zoom)

 *services with an asterisk can be viewed by livestream at

We also encourage you to use Pray-As-You-Go,

SERMONSSermons can now be found, permanently archived, at