Give rest, O Christ, to thy servant with thy saints, where sorrow and pain are no more; neither sighing, but life everlasting.

What Is A Columbarium?

A columbarium is a group of niches, typically within a wall, which contain the cremated remains of the departed.

Why Have A Columbarium?

The church has traditionally been the final resting place of deceased members of the Christian community. Burial within the church itself, or in the adjacent churchyard was once common practice. The amount of land necessary for burial grounds is no longer available to most churches. In recent years, cremation with interment of the ashes, rather than burial, has become more common. In this way; the remains of the deceased can stay at the church that played such an important part in their lives.

What Are The Benefits To Our Parish?

A niche in a columbarium is modestly priced, aesthetically pleasing, and ecologically sound. The ambiance of the columbarium creates a special place for loved ones to gather in love and remembrance, a consoling link between life and death.

What Will It Cost?  

The columbarium has space for forty eight urns. A donation to the church of $900 for church members (or $1,200 for non-members) will reserve a niche for one urn. The donation covers the cost of the space, the bronze plaque, and perpetual care. No future assessments will be made.

May I Reserve A Particular Niche? 

Yes. Upon receipt of your donation, the niche of your choice will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. A schematic of the columbarium is kept in the church office indicating the reserved spaces.

Does The Cost Vary According To The Location? 


How big are the niches?

One niche measures 10 inches tall x 7-1/2 inches wide x 7-1/2 inches deep.

How Do I Reserve A Space? 

Please contact the church office at 510-569-7020 to reserve a space in our columbarium. Make checks payable to All Saints Episcopal Church.

If you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to call us and we will do our best to help.

May God’s peace be with you.