Each of us will die. When we die, it falls to members of our family, friends, distant relatives, or total strangers to plan our services and burials.

Planning such things when you are grieving is both hard and time-consuming. Often members of the surviving family live far apart and have never discussed these matters.

When the time for planning comes they can have very different ideas about what the deceased person would have preferred or about what would be appropriate.

The best way to avoid all this struggle, and even disagreement about what should be done, is to make your own plans. It is a very thoughtful gift both to your family and to yourself. You simply leave written instructions saying, “This is what I prefer.”

End-of-Life Plans (PDF)

California Advanced Directive (PDF)

Making a Bequest to All Saints (PDF)

Click Here for information on our church’s Columbarium where you can reserve a niche to have your ashes kept in the church in perpetuity.