We Have Called a New Rector!

The Vestry is thrilled to announce the calling of Rev. Justin CannonRev. Justing Cannon

A Letter from Father Justin
Dear friends,

I am both humbled and overjoyed that you have called me to serve as your next rector. To be quite honest, in reading your parish profile what excited me most was your desire for “more opportunities to be together.” Our life as Christians is not simply about a Sunday affair, but the entrance and moving of the Holy Spirit in all areas of our lives. As you know, the church is not a building, but the gathering of believers. Therefore, when you say you want more opportunities to be together, I hear that you want more opportunities to be church in the world. And I mean that in the broadest sense possible-opportunities to come together to pray and play, to serve and seek, to weep and wonder, to listen and learn.

I look forward to worshiping with you; to breakfasting with the 8am churchgoers; to singing with the 10am crowd and having the feast of a coffee hour that follows; to serving together in the food pantry and at Sacred Space. I look forward to playing hide-and-seek or going out bowling with the youth-who says we can’t bless a bowling lane!? I look forward to sharing the journey of a life of faith together through little joys, the struggles and questions that emerge in the process of death and dying, and exploring with you the anxieties, insecurities, beauty, and amazing discoveries of everyday life. I know I come with much to learn from you, as I also have gifts to share. I look forward to getting to know you each. Have a blessed Advent season-I’ll see you in the New Year!

Peace always,  
Father Justin

A New Deacon at All Saints

Please welcome Pam Jester as a new Deacon serving our community at All Saints. Pam visited us recently and the Holy Spirit moved! Isn’t that wonderful! Please read in her own words what she says about herself and her ministry.

I am looking forward with great excitement to being the deacon for All Saints. As part of my field education at the School for Deacons, I worked with John Trubina at Sacred Space and learned a great deal from him. During School for Deacons, I was the student deacon at Holy Cross in Castro Valley.  I graduated from the deacon school in May of 2104 and was ordained on June 13, 2015.  My ministry in the world involves protecting elders from abuse and supporting survivors of family violence. A lawyer by training, I have worked in the University of California system for over 30 years in continuing legal education and will retire from UC service at the end of June.

Pam, we are also looking forward to getting to know you and working side by side as you lend support and guidance to our church. Please know that you are most welcome to travel with us in the coming months.