Ash Wednesday, March 1 — Imposition of Ashes Available at Three Services
7:00am (Morning Prayer)
12:00pm (Celtic Earth Mass)
7:00pm (Evening Prayer)
Lenten Book Study – Sundays at noon, Fireside Room
At Home in Exile: Finding Jesus among My Ancestors and Refugee Neighbors by Russell Jeung. This book study, starting 3/5, will be led by Deacon Pam and will meet Sundays during coffee hour. Grab some food after the service in the parish hall and join us at noon in the Fireside Room for this book study. The book is available on Amazon in print or through Kindle.
Soup Supper & Film – Wednesdays at 6pm, Fireside Room (note change in time)
In the spirit of a Lenten fast, Wednesdays in Lent we will host a simple bread and soup supper in the Parish Hall. During the meal we will watch a film, followed by a brief discussion. These Wednesday Supper & Film gatherings will begin on Wed, March 8 and run through Wed, April 5. The first film will be the 1986 British film Mission about the experiences of a Jesuit missionary in 18th century South America.
2017 Lenten Meditations Booklet (English & Spanish)
Free copies of Episcopal Relief and Development’s book entitled 2017 Lenten Meditations will be available throughout Lent in both English and Spanish. This includes daily readings to support you in your Lenten journey. Be sure to pick up your free copy this Sunday by the main entrance (on the credenza in the church’s foyer).