Imagine gathering among the redwood trees, the sunlight filtering through the boughs, listening to the birds chirping and the wind whispering, enjoying poems, songs, readings and prayers from kindred spirits who revel in God’s Creation.

Join us as we continue to worship God in the beauty of the outdoors, rebuilding Communion between all God’s Creation. We will continue to gather around the solstices and equinoxes at the Church of the Wildood and co-create a living liturgy amongst the sacred majestic redwood trees using songs, prayers, poems, readings, or whatever you’re moved to share.

2025 Schedule

All hikes meet in the Canyon Meadow Staging Area in Redwood Regional Park, Oakland, CA at 12:20

  • Vernal equinox hike Thursday, March 20
  • Summer solstice hike Friday, June 20
  • Autumnal equinox hike: Monday, September 22
  • Winter Solstice: Sunday, December 21, 2025, 12:30pm (POTLUCK lunch then liturgy)
Join our Facebook page to get up-to-the-minute details

We will meet at 12:20pm at the parking lot at the end of the road at Canyon Meadow Staging Area in Redwood Regional Park. We will walk together from the parking lot, a 15-min (1/2 mile) walk along the flat, paved Stream Trail to th