All Saints Episcopal Parish 
Pentecost Town Hall Gathering
Sunday, May 28, 2023 – noontime

On Pentecost Sunday, May 28, at 12:00pm we will hold a Potluck Coffee Hour and Pentecost Town Hall Gathering for our parish. 

At our January annual meeting we heard reports about things that have already happened, but this mid-year gathering is a chance for our parish to have a conversation about what we want to happen this year. The pandemic threw a big wrench in our parish togetherness. Now that we have journeyed through the pandemic, what do we hunger for as a parish?

  • Do we want parish retreats or camping trips? 
  • Do have parishioners interested in housebuilding through Corazon in 2024?
  • Do we feel called to do National Night Out this year or engage in other forms of community outreach?
  • What shall we do with the vacant space on our property between All Saints and Roosevelt Elementary?
  • Are there new ways we hope to reach new people?

Come to the Pentecost Town Hall Gathering and we will have a conversation to explore what’s on our hearts for 2023 and beyond. The pandemic slowed us down, but now that we’ve regathered it’s time to pause, reflect, dream, and plan together. 

Bring a snack, dish, or treat to share! 

Pentecost Sunday at noon!