Our Annual Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, January 21, 2024, at noon. 

After the 10:15am service we will hold a potluck coffee hour; please bring something to share if you can. 

We will need 54 members present to constitute a quorum, so please come if you are able. A quorum will be necessary to conduct business and make elections. If you are unable to attend in person, you can attend by Zoom; however, the Zoom setup will be very simple. The login will be https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81346523184?pwd=aEU0NnBFb0x1Yk1TbVQzVW1IcDJNQT09

Greg Nunes and Larry Churchill will be running for seats in the Vestry Class of 2027 (it is a three year term). We will also need two deanery/Convention delegates and two alternates. Nobody has come forward yet, so we are accepting nominations, including self-nominations. The commitment includes quarterly deanery meetings and attending Convention at Grace Cathedral held on a Friday/Saturday in October. 

Please review the Annual Report (sent by email) in advance of our Annual Meeting.