We will continue to offer hybrid Zoom/in-person offerings in November. We will also continue the practice of offering the Holy Eucharist on the last Sunday of the month:

  • November 7, 14, 21 – Hybrid Morning Prayer services @ both 8am and 10:15am in the Sanctuary
  • November 28 (First Sunday of Advent) – Hybrid Holy Eucharist @ 8am and 10:15am in the Sanctuary. Our choir will resume singing during the 10:15am service on Sunday, November 28. 
  • Zoom links are the same as they have been. Email rector@saintsalive.net if you need the Zoom access info.

You do not need to RSVP for in-person services.

We require proof-of-vaccination for all ages 12 and older. We will have Sunday school weekly for children under 12 on the stage. 

We also require social distancing, masks, and no physical contact.