Dear Saints,
For the safety of our community, we have cancelled all in-person church gatherings and Wellness Center activities. The church office will also be closed until further notice. We have, however, added to our list of offerings for our community:
- WEDNESDAY, March 18, I will be offering 10:45am Bible Study live by Zoom, followed by Zoom Noonday Prayer. The scriptures can be found online at and the office for noonday online at or page 103 in the BCP. If you plan on joining the Zoom you should print these resources, or if you have a BCP you can use that. You can join the Zoom Bible Study on Wednesday at 10:45am PST by visiting:
- SUNDAY, March 22, I will be offering Morning Prayer on Sunday at 10:15am live by Zoom, followed by a live Zoom Lenten Study Group with Amy Cook (email for details on joining the Lenten group). In addition, like last Sunday we will be posting a video sermon, as well as scripture readings and a link to Pray-As-You-Go. The liturgy for Morning Prayer can be found online at or page 75 of the BCP. You can join the live Zoom Morning Prayer on Sunday at 10:15am PST by visiting:
- TOILET PAPER – Due to folks hoarding, there is a shortage of toilet paper at stores. I have been informed that the supply chain has not been disrupted and these places will be restocked. If, however, you have run out of TP and need a roll or two, please let me know and we can arrange a pick-up or drop-off. Joy Korst has also suggested that local ethnic food stores seem to have ample supply.
- GROCERY SHOPPING – If you are vulnerable or immunocompromised and cannot go out to go grocery shopping, Griffin Bunn is willing to help shop for you and can be reached at
- FOOD – If you are in need of food, please contact Tom Breckenridge, our food pantry coordinator to find out more info about food pantry offerings and schedule at
If you have any pastoral needs, please reach out to me. Pastoral meetings will be done via phone, Zoom, or Facetime depending on the nature of the issue. May we keep one another in prayer for health of mind, body, and spirit.
Fr. Justin+