Tuesday nights, 6:00 – 7:00 PM, Feb. 28 – Apr. 4, 2023

You are invited to attend this weekly zoom meeting exploring the practice of Compassion.

Practicing Compassion With All Your Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind is the theme of this year’s Lenten Study from Living Compass. Each year, Living Compass puts out a Lenten study with a different theme to support Christian wellness and wholeness, and this year it is on practicing compassion in our lives. This study includes a weekly reflection on the Sunday lectionary from guest writers. Then each day, one aspect of compassion based on the Sunday reflection is spun out into daily practices and meditations. Amy Cook will lead a weekly circle to reflect on the Sunday reading and discuss how we practice compassion in our daily lives.

I suggest getting the booklet in one of these ways:

  1. The paper copy is available at the church just inside entrance
  2. Download a free PDF of the booklet
  3. Sign up to receive a FREE DAILY EMAIL. The sign up is about halfway down this webpage.

For more information, visit

To Join online each week, Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 822 8371 6420

If you have any questions, please contact Amy Cook,