Lenten Series: Soup + Soul Series
“Metanoia and the Spirituality of Imperfection.”
With Dale Trunk
Wednesdays in Lent: March 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9 @ 6:00pm in the Fireside Room

 “Metanoia” is Jesus’ opening proclamation. (Mt. 4:17; Mk 1:14) Our typical English translations of “Metanoia!” into “Repent!” “Do Penance!” are unfortunate.   

“ “Repentance” is a word of … Latin theological and ecclesiastical descent.  The core of it is not mind, but pain.  The note of it is not of emancipation, but of condemnation.  The scope of it is not spiritual, but juridical.  The working of it is not joyful, but sorrowful.”  

(Treadwell Walden, “The Great Meaning of Metanoia – An Undeveloped Chapter in the Life and Teaching of Christ, 105)

Jesus’ baptism as a Baptism of Repentance makes no sense, but as a Baptism of Metanoia, it is the manifestation of the Christ (maybe even to Jesus himself.)   Even Jesus goes through metanoia, but he has no need of repentance.  Even without sin, we would need metanoia.  We would need to keep growing and transforming as God’s beloved children.  We who sin benefit from repentance, but that does not amount to the fullness of metanoia.   Metanoia is a life-long journey of changing, growing, learning.

We will work on unfolding “Metanoia” and looking for better ways to living it in English.    We will explore the “Spirituality of Imperfection” for insights into “Metanoia” – from the Twelve Steps, St. Francis of Assisi, Thomas Merton,  the Wizard of Oz, and what we might want to share from our own lives.