The All Saints Justice and Peace Team will be moving forward in 2020. Our formative get together will take place at 9 a.m. on Sunday January 12 to include those who worship at 8 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. All are invited to participate.
This team is commissioned by Fr. Justin to act on issues in accordance with our Baptismal Vow: “Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respective the dignity of every human being.” We are hoping that the team could meet at least quarterly and be oriented more around action than financial assistance.
Please think about what you’d like to see All Saints do regarding Justice and Peace initiatives. The more you can describe what you’re interested in — e.g., the issue, what specifically you think All Saints might do — the more we can focus our meeting time on weighing alternatives. Examples are: restorative justice, income inequality, racism, housing, prisoner justice system, environment, and others.
This meeting will be open to all. Thank you in advance for your interest and involvement. And if you are unable to make the meeting, please contact one of us with your suggestions.
Maxine Sitts
Deacon Pam Jester
Glenn Spencer