Palm Sunday, April 10
Services @ 8am and 10:15am (hybrid)
The 10:15am service will start on the front patio with the Liturgy of the Palms

Maundy Thursday, April 14, 7:00pm
Re-enactment of the Last Supper with Eucharist (hybrid)
This unique service will start in the parish hall, with characters of the Last Supper at a long table. There will be various roles for attendees and this service, newly offered at All Saints, will offer us a glimpse into experiencing first-hand the Last Supper in a new way! 

At the end of the Maundy Thursday service the Sacrament will be carried to a Garden of Repose in the Nave Circle. This will be open for contemplative, silent prayer up to an hour after the Maundy Thursday service, and again an hour before the Good Friday service.

Good Friday, April 15, 7:00pm
Seven Last Words of Christ, Veneration of the Cross, and Solemn Collects (hybrid)
This contemplative service will include the Seven Last Words of Christ, each followed by silence then a hymn. 

Easter Sunday, April 17
Services @ 8am and 10:15am (hybrid)
The April Holy Eucharist will be on Easter Sunday in place of the usual last Sunday. Please bring bouquets of flowers for the Flowering of the Cross. A coffee hour will be held after the 10:15am service; Chris and Kevin will be hosting and all parishioners are invited to bring finger-foods to add to the abundance. 

If you will be joining via Zoom and would like to arrange to pick-up Reserved Sacrament from the church (or have it delivered to you), so you can partake with us on Sundays when we offer Communion, please email rector@saintsalive.net. The Zoom link for Holy Week services will be the same as the Zoom link for our regular 10:15am Sunday service. 

The week after Easter the church will be closed; no Bible Study or Celtic Mass on Wed, 4/20.