- Family Christmas Eve Service, Friday, December 24, 4:00pm
Proof-of-Vaccination required for in-person attendance with an exemption for children under 12 years of age who *will* be allowed in the sanctuary for this service. Children and families will be invited to participate in the service as readers, intercessors, or other roles. We will have a celebration of the Holy Eucharist with a Christmas story in lieu of a sermon. - Christmas Eve Vigil Mass, Friday, December 24, 9:00pm
Proof-of-Vaccination required for in-person attendance. No childcare will be provided on the stage. We will have a celebration of the Holy Eucharist with sermon. - Both of our Christmas Eve services will be offered with a hybrid Zoom option. Zoom attendees will remain muted during the service. Zoom details will be the same for both services: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88476127091?pwd=L2hZQ3lqWkNCdlA2NlphNWJER3Zydz09
Meeting ID: 884 7612 7091, Passcode: 122424, Phone: (669) 900-9128 - There will be no services Christmas Day.
- The First Sunday of Christmas, Sunday, December 26, 8am & 10:15am
We will hold Lessons & Carols services at both 8am and 10:15am. The 8am service will include a video recording of carol offerings from churches throughout our deanery, and at the 10:15am service we will sing the carols. There will not be Holy Eucharist this Sunday; however, after the 10:15am service there will be coffee hour offered on the front patio (weather permitting).
Zoom details for Sunday remain the same as previous Sundays. For more info contact rector@saintsalive.net. For all in persons services, masks, social distancing, and no physical contact required for all attendees.