All Saints Episcopal Church, Parish Hall
911 Dowling Blvd.
San Leandro

Thursday, September 26, 2019
5:30 to 7:00

This gathering has something for everyone.  It is an opportunity to consider more openly the proverbial ‘elephant in the room’— death and dying. Come and reflect on and reconsider how we say ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’ in our everyday life, especially when accompanying those dying or in hospice care. This evening is offered to help us grow as a compassionate community of care for those who are nearing the transition of death.

We invite you to…

  • Experience the unique service of hospice care within the overall delivery of healthcare.
  • Consider qualities which characterize hospice volunteering
  • Learn details about volunteering with the Sutter Care at Home Hospice Volunteer Program and about our overall Hospice service to communities
  • Open to being with dying in compassion and courage 


  • Brent Adams, MDiv, DMin, Volunteer Program Coordinator, Sutter Care at Home | Hospice | Alameda
  • Angeline Chin-Petch, Community Relations Liaison
  • SCAH Volunteers

Light supper provided.

RSVP to (for headcount)