A Journey Through Lent
Ash Wednesday is Wednesday, February 22. We will have Imposition of Ashes available at the following:
12:00pm Celtic Mass w/ Ashes
12:45pm “Ashes to Go” in front of the church
7:00pm Ash Wednesday Evening Service
Starting Sunday, February 19, we will have copies of a free Lenten Devotional booklet entitled “Living Well Through Lent 2023: Practicing Compassion with All Your Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind” available in the narthex. Throughout Lent, a Zoom discussion group on this devotional will be open to all (stay tuned for details). 
We will also be participating this year in Lent Madness. Lent Madness is a a fun engaging way for people to learn about the men and women comprising the Church’s Calendar of Saints. Click here to learn more. Father Justin has ordered the official scoreboard that will be posted in the Parish Hall. We encourage you to go to https://www.lentmadness.org/, scroll down and on the right enter your email to subscribe to the Lent Madness emails.