All Saints will hold it’s annual Church Rummage Sale in the parish parking lot on Saturday, October 9, from 9:00am to 3:00pm. Masks and social-distancing required; we will have controlled entry to limit the number of shoppers at a time.
We have tons of items that will be for sale including games, clothing, antiques, china, kitchenware, yard supplies, and more. Bring your friends and come treasure hunt!
Sale starts at 9am, no early birds. You will be asked to wait until 9am. This is one of our major church fundraisers. All proceeds from this event will support our ministry.
All pricing is based on a freewill donation, so if there’s something you like you should take it and give what you are able. Please give generously to support the church!
We reserve the right to refuse service to any individual. Some high-value items may have a suggested donation. For resellers, a limit of number of items may be imposed. The building and restrooms will not be available to the public.